
It is that time of year in the UK where anxious students find out their exam results.

The fact is, it feels like your whole school life has been building to this moment and if your results fall short of your expectations, your whole world falls from beneath your feet in seconds. At least that is what it felt like for me. My A Level results were barely a pass therefore I did not secure my place into higher education. Fair enough, I didn’t make the grade and those who did deserved the space.

However, what happens to those ‘left behind’?

For me (seven years ago… maybe more now, I try to forget) I felt like I had no direction or purpose left in my life. I went to school every day. I would learn new things every day. That’s what I knew. That’s what was familiar to me and to have that taken away…well, I was devastated.


I am writing this blog to let you know,  your grade results do not define you!

For a long time I thought I wasn’t good enough or clever enough. But now years down the line I am learning again. I have almost finished my NVQ in Business Administration Level 3 while training as a Personal Assistant. Not what I had originally set out to do but it has provided me with a lot of learning opportunities and experiences I would have otherwise missed out on.

So if you open that envelope which holds your results and find something that disappoints you. Don’t despair. Life just happens to have different plans for you. You may even find your way back to your original plans but the scenic route around.

I guess what I’m trying to say is there is more to life than grades so grab each and every opportunity that comes your way.


I’ve been sucked into the #reylo fandom, it was easy to do but I didn’t imagine waking up at 6am with a fanfic in my head… (this is based around the time of ‘force-bond’ before Kylo Ren and Rey have the infamous hand touching scene!)…


He hit the metal wall. The wall vibrated mimicking his shaking limbs. He blew out a sigh of hot air, he felt himself boiling over from the anger again.

His fists strained taut by his sides. He had gloves on, last time he didn’t so imprinted semicircles marked his palms, a couple breaking his flesh to bleed.

His thoughts betrayed him to that time, it was not anger that had caused his pain it was another feeling he did not fully understand.

She fascinated him.

He quickly brought himself back into reality, his thoughts would only frustrate him further. He forcefully sat on the bed next to him, unhooked his lightsaber and turned it on. It glowed red and crackled menacingly.  He stared into its threatening hue, so much violence eagerly awaiting to be unleashed.

It was like staring into a fire, calming to look at if the wisps are tamed, devastating once the fire gains its own sense of power and consumes anything in its path.

There had been a fire that night, at the pivoting point in his life. Everyone has that one moment in their life that changes everything and you know there is no chance of gaining back what you once had.

The bitter nostalgia played heavy on his tongue. That night he didn’t have time to understand his actions, his intentions had been clear so he reacted accordingly. Rage had certainly controlled him that night. Everything had happened so fast there was no time for questions or reasoning , such things wouldn’t have penetrated his hatred in that moment.

Thinking to the life before it had been shattered to show the truth behind the mirror, he had enjoyed it. The camaraderie, the teachings, he had even liked calligraphy after his father had sent him a set that had worked smoothly. He knew it had probably been stolen but he didn’t care, it fitted perfectly in his hand, like it was meant to belong to him.

He hit the wall again. The metallic sound echoed around him. He shut off the lightsaber and stretched back on the bed. He was frustrated still, he wanted so many things that were out of his reach.

A guilty pleasure could bring one thing he wanted closer but no matter how much he thought about her it didn’t always work when he wished it to connect them together. Not understanding the bond between them just made him even more curious.

Sometimes he would create silly fantasies.

One fantasy he would imagine them both sneaking off ship and stealing a couple of tie-fighters to race against each other. Actually having fun. Seeing one another smiling for once.

These were stupid fantasies but his favourite one he would allow himself to dream about would be fighting alongside each other. Not against. Making poetry with our bodies as we would swerve and strike down our enemies.

He tightly held his lightsaber by his side as he let himself drift into this dream, conjuring the biggest fantasy of all. The one that could make all others exist in reality. Him speaking those two words he is urging to utter to her, ‘join me’.

Ruling the galaxy together.

His emotions were rising, pumping through his veins. His breath quickened. He couldn’t comprehend this feeling. It felt like rage, the same burning desire, just as violent, only it came with a glimmer of hope.


If you read all the way through I hope you enjoyed it, I’m sorry if there are grammatical errors etc. Go easy on me please! I like to write about things I have read or watched just for fun. Please don’t copy any of the above without giving me the credit. My favourite reylo posts are the amazing fan art so thank you to all those inspiring images, quite a few I have posted and liked on my tumblr blog.

I feel the devil is in my thoughts,

I’m going to wash my sins in the stream

though I fear you won’t forgive me

it is going to take all my skin off to become clean.

Now the humiliation is sinking deeper

I’ve forgotten about my pride

The walls I’ve built are crumbling down

I’m scared I won’t survive.

But the hurt and pain won’t make me weaker

I’ve been here once before

then I never had faith pulling me through

I never gave my chance to hope

remembering what false dreams could do.

But now the voice has changed

my saviour guiding me on my way

and hope isn’t such a distant thing

and the devil’s voice is kept at bay

where forgiveness and love

is everlasting.

An old poem I found in one of my many notebooks…


Empty pizza boxes

and bottles of wine

should have showed we had a good time

but you started without me,

now I’m left behind.

You’ve had your fill

and fix for the evening

I’m the only one awake

and I’ve started the cleaning.


Although I don’t post on this blog that often, I will still add posts, poems and other thoughts but I thought I’d let you all know about another blog I have just started.

I suffer from IBS, probably where all my anxiety is coming from or perhaps the anxiety is why I have IBS, but there we go, I’m trying to cope with it and really get it under control and I was thinking I can’t be the only one that needs some research and a little helping hand so I created Find a Friend in Food please take a look 🙂