
Posts Tagged ‘Mr. Brightside’

Last night I joined many, many other Where’s Wally themed friends for my sister, Chrissy’s Hag Do (joint Hen+Stag Do).

Once we all had gathered in one carriage on the train, while getting funny looks by everyone we had passed, you could tell how brilliant the theme ‘Where’s Wally’ idea was. All in red+white strips, blue bottoms and glasses; each with our own twist. We all had been given stickers that had the bride+husband to be face on. The bride wore a top saying ‘Where’s my Wally?’ with a silly picture of her partner and he had the same.

On the train we were all getting excited for the night ahead, and the Hen’s best friend, Lauren kept blowing a whistle; the rules were one whistle blow-sing ‘Where’s Where’s Wally’ or at one point it was ‘Oh na na What’s my name? Wally!’ Two blows of the whistle would mean drink up, three follow me next pub/club.

As soon as we were out of the train walking out the station, people were shouting ‘Where’s Wally!’ and a lot more smirks and odd looks, we stopped to wait for some other people so took advantage by having a group picture. Which would have been fine but a group of quite drunk guys (all in yellow tops) ran over to us (yes ran madly I should say!). They jumped into the group and photo, me being short was surrounded by yellow tops, I peeked out for the photo; not sure if I could be seen or not.

Chrissy’s friends’ had bought ‘Rating Cards’ 1-10 with comments underneath, their first victim was the policeman who kept trying not to laugh at us, I believe he was given a 10-Pants Off. Walking to the next pub, for some reason we went the long way around so lots more people walking down the streets saw us, some making ‘funny’ comments; Where’s Wally?…wait I think I found him, it’s this one, he’s a right Wally!

Stopping at the first pub I did feel sorry for everyone else in there, they must have been like ‘whoa, we have been taken over by Wallys!’ Everywhere you would go or look there would be one or two, then you’d walk to the other end to find a group of them-it was awesome! A couple asked us why and what it was all about, we talked for a while and they ended up being the centre of another Wally group picture.

Where’s Jeni-Wally!?

The whistle was blown a lot then we moved on to the next pub, but not before seeing how many Wallys we could fit in a phone box, apparently it is five. You may also notice in the picture, most people had their straws (with a penis at the top) in hand, ready for the many drinks awaiting them. (Took me ages then to remember where we went next! hehe). At the club, we boozed up on drinks as we waited for the DJ and other people to arrive.

There were so many other Stag and Hen Dos’! Guys dressed up as lifeguards, girls dressed up as police-women and ones that all had ball gowns on. We stayed a long time in this club, had a few shots, then danced when the DJ came on. The rating cards were still being used going around different people, my sister held one under where the DJ sits and as the flash of the camera went, he looked up saw, and said down the microphone; ‘I feel like I’ve been stitched up!’ I think he may have been given a 5-hot enough. I think the funniest was number 3-Drunken Mistake one person had their photo taken with a guy dressed up as a Baywatch babe with that number card-brilliant! Then people put 9-Hot Stuff and 10-Pants Off together 😀 he he. We all had to gather in the outside area of the club so they could take a photo, which later we would have a photo and keying of 🙂 As everyone had arrived by then there must have been over 40 Wallys all together-looks awesome, live and in photo.

And so the whistle went and we were off to see a band at the next place. They played really good covers of The Kooks, The Killers and Kings of Leon; great music! I mostly just stayed with my friend Loz and danced but they as usual this guy started dancing with her. The thing is she tells me she hates it, as she doesn’t like to be touched-especially by a stranger, but I don’t know whether to stop it because she seems to be having a great time. This time she even danced loads back with a big smile on her face; I’m so sure she loves it really, he he. Oh gosh, then it was really embarrassing as I was then dancing by myself (I really don’t mind that!) so this guy introduces his friend to me; he put his hand out to shake mine but you could tell he wasn’t pleased with his friend for doing that, so I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore the both of them. I probably just looked like a crazy women jumping up and down sing-a-long to ‘Mr.Brightside’ and ‘Little Lion Man’. Oh, I kind of have this a bit out of timing order but oh well this happened in the same place; one of my sisters friends and his brother started talking to me. He was as everyone quite drunk, his brother very drunk. Like everyone else who didn’t know me there they easily deduced I was the sister of the bride to be as we look similar, only difference is I’m not ginger. He asked my name, then was shocked by my age-19 (as I’m so frickin’ short) and his brother who was much taller than him was actually younger than me! He looked over 20. We talked for a short while then he left, leaving his brother with us. I was the first one to break the silence, with I feel a very valid question ‘Why are you wearing a 118 outfit?’ but I kind of wish I hadn’t as he explained he had been at a party as his friend is off to Vietnam. After that I didn’t know what to say. But we talked and danced, although it was very awkward as he was wobbly and kind of out of it. We let him dance with other people then slowly move away.

After the band had played we moved onto the last club (I should mention we started at 8pm, it was now way past midnight) we went to see the DJ straight away as he is one of Chrissy’s friends from young and he hadn’t seen our auntie in ages (she is a bit of a legend, most people know her). He was pleased to see them both, he gave a shout out on the mic saying such things like; ‘Chrissy is so drunk tonight, she is getting married!’ We danced for a bit, we kept going up and down stairs, due to songs changing and whatnot. Up stairs I talked with my cousins husband for ages about a lot of the family and the night. Then I managed to talk to my cousin I have not seen in years which was good, although he rarely finished his sentences as he was so drunk and couldn’t get what he was trying to say out, I kept saying words to input but was just like ‘um no…no…’ then just went onto a different subject. Here’s an example ‘Yeah I haven’t seen you in…well…you know on your Facebook when you had straightened hair…almost Angelina Jolie like…you on there…I’m glad Chrissy is marrying this one, he is great, the best one.’ That was literally what he said, so funny! Very drunk, who the hell can look like Angelina, that’s impossible!! We went onto talk about what both each other are up to at the moment and what we were hoping to do (not much on my part). Then he danced with me, which was strange, at any family thing he just sits there quietly and just says hi, but it was really nice to see him not shy. I’m sure at one point he tried to pick me up, that’s the only thing I hate people doing to me, I swear it’s just because I’m short so they think they can!

After all this is was around 2 or 3 in the morning and my friend wanted to sit down on the window, I did too UNTIL Thiller came on!!! I didn’t care if I was dancing by myself with no one else in my corner of the dance floor, I was going to do the moves! Unfortunately, life is not like ’13 going 30′ so I was the only one doing the moves as everyone else did their own thing. So I was just finishing the second chorus when a girl came up to me and said something like, ‘hi, you are like amazing, really good’ and hugged me. That’s when I was a bit embarrassed, but finished the song before I sat down.

I could tell Loz wasn’t feeling alright so we went outside for some fresh air, after a little while she said that she would go home, so I let her go then I realised, hmm who am I going to hang out with now? I managed to find one Wally I kind of knew on the dance floor, so I stayed with her until I found everyone else. Most of them were in a circle talking and taking pictures. As I joined them Chrissy was pointing at her guy friend who I had previously talked with shouting, ‘dis iz my brotha from anotha motha’ in which I replied ‘um, so is he my bro too?’ I wasn’t really sure what to reply :S Then he came up to me and said feel this, showing what would be his muscle but I should explain that he was a swimming wears Wally and had a swimming cap and arm bands on, so I squeezed his armbands and said really sarcastically, ‘oh wow’. This other random guy came up to me and did the same; he really did have rock hard biceps! I can’t remember what me and swimming wally said after that but it ended up with me shouting ‘no’ as he picked me up, as he put me back down and go to my sister, ‘that’s two people now! Two!’ She responded with ‘picture!’ gesturing for me and swim-wally to pose, as I was drunk I did what I always do one arm around, as leg is up…only this time, which hasn’t happened before (it was just meant to be funny and kind of back-fired), the guy held my thigh up. At this point I remembered his girlfriend, I wish I had thought about this before; as maybe they wouldn’t have had a fight later. But to be honest, he was drunk and him saying, ‘I could get anyone in this club tonight’ was definitely nothing to do with me just alcohol; still I feel a bit bad. Especially as in the morning we were talking about the night and my sister said ‘Oh yeah, he told me he liked you Jen’. Oh dear. Anyway, so I stayed with my sister, her ‘bride to be’ bobble veil broke so she gave it to me to look after, I wore it for a little while then felt strange. Only chance to wear it though, as I’m quite sure I won’t be getting married soon, if at all!

You see me yet?

At around about 4am we went on the beach. Such a good feeling the sand under your feet after all that dancing. We hid around the kayaks, for a Where’s Wally photo effect. Then we found ‘doll’ and ‘turtle man’ both funny characters, although turtle man is completely love-sick. The guys went to get food while we got a 8 seater taxi. Back at sister’s house fell asleep on sofa after eating a few chips.

In the morning, Chrissy and Lauren talked and looked through photos of the event. I had two bacon rolls, hehe, so good. I was picked up at 2pm, I watched Hellcats until then.

Edit: I remembered some more stuff, we were going down the stairs slowly and this guy goes ‘hurry up ladies!’ so we go to let him past but he says ‘No, no, ladies first’ so I say ‘Yes, so why are you not going first?’ he laughed then played his fingers like on a piano on my back (??) once at the bottom of the stairs he said ‘no need for that’ hugged me then went, so random!

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